When clocks change for daylight saving time, change smoke detector batteries

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We change our clocks on November 6 as we fall back one hour to mark the end of daylight saving time.

Fire departments across the country are reminding everyone to check your smoke detectors and change the device’s batteries.

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Experts say that most deadly fires happen at night and that smoke alarms give families an early warning. They add that that smoke detectors should be in hallways that lead to sleeping areas, basements and on every level of homes.

But where exactly should they be mounted? If they’re on the ceiling, they should be four inches from a wall. On a wall, they should be four inches to a foot away from the ceiling.

And they should be checked at least twice a year, with the beginning and ending of daylight saving acting as a good reminder of the task.

They also say that families should have an escape plan, including a place to meet outside of the home, in case of fire, and to practice the plan.

Energizer and the International Associated of Fire Chiefs work together every year to remind people to check smoke alarms and detectors, the "Today" show reported.

They also say don't forget about carbon monoxide detectors and any other safety devices this weekend, "Today" reported.

The IAFC also says consider replacing devices that are older than 10 years old, “Today” reported.